lördag 9 maj 2009


För två veckor sedan hände något historiskt: den första evakueringen någonsin av ett samhälle på grund av effekterna av den antroprogena växthuseffekten. George Monbiot summerar:

"The disaster has begun, but so far hardly anyone has noticed"

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

The islands are sinking.
The islanders have cut down all their trees.
The islanders have been jumping up and down and flattening the land.

But, it is not, not, not, not, not due to rising sea levels (despite all the peer-reviewed, elitist science) and it is not, not, not, not definitely down to Global Warming.
How do I know ? I read it on WATTSUPWITHTHAT and looked out the window at the cold, cold wind blowing through the trees.