Fick igår ett mail från den israeliska premiär ministerns kommunikationsavdelning, dvs hjärtat av Israels propagandamaskin. Det var ett ganska långt och finputsat diplomatiskt svar på ett protestmail med de vanliga propagandafloskerna: Hamas startade kriget, Hamas är terrorister och har samarbete med andra skurkar (där man nämner Iran och Syrien) och att Israel endast försvarar sitt folk. Men något annat kommer ändå fram ur texten. Känslan av att de ansvariga för Israels attack mot Gaza inte kan skilja på sant och falskt, propaganda eller verklighet. De har skapat en propagandabubbla där allt de gör är tillåtet, vilka effekter det än har. Två konkreta exempel från texten (min fetstil):
1)"... the IDF is taking great pains to direct its activities exclusively against terrorists. Hamas, however, callously places Palestinian civilians in harm’s way, using schools, mosques, other public institutions and even private homes as arsenals and bases of operation – effectively taking the Palestinians of Gaza hostage and using them as human shields. Responsibility for injury to civilians in Gaza rests solely with Hamas."
Att läsa ovanstående textremsa och inte reagera på det absurda budskapet är i sig en del av budskapets karaktär: Israels propaganda har upprepats så många gånger att många slutat reagera eller ifrågasätta. Men svart på vitt kan det självklart ALDRIG vara så att en stat i krig som dödat ca 900 personer (och många av dem civila) inte är skyldig till en enda människas död. Inte bara det, motståndaren (i det här fallet Hamas) är istället skyldig för alla dödsoffer (där det även framkommit att Israel har använt krypskyttar för att döda barn, men även dessa mord är Hamas fel). I verkligheten kan det aldrig vara sant, inte enligt rent mänskliga måttstockar men inte heller enligt folkrätten vilken Per Gahrton även nämnde i sitt tal i Lördags på Sergels Torg:
"Men i Nürnbergtribunalen efter andra världskriget fick världen lära sig att det alltid är den som utför ett våldsdåd som är ansvarig. Det går inte att skylla på befäl eller fiender. Om så en fiendesoldat skulle gömma sig bakom ett barn är det förbjudet att mörda barnet."
2) "There is no humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip."
Kan någon någonstans ifrågasätta att det är en humanitär kris på Gaza? Ändå kan Israel kallt hävda det i en kort mening. Propagandan är inte ens i närheten av verkligheten, den står i bjär kontrast till den. Den enda förhoppning man kan ha är att omvärlden nu spricker hål på den propagandabubbla som Israel byggt upp och som inte ifrågasatts under många år och att verkligheten får tala för sig igen. Men då måste vi öka trycket.
Media: DN1, DN2, DN3, DN4, DN5, DN6, SvD1, SvD2, SvD3, AB1, AB2, AB3, SvT Opinion
I närheten av Bonn 1925
3 år sedan
1 kommentar:
Mycket bra! Känner en journalist i södra Sverige som har blivit uppringd av Israels ambassad med klagomål om "Att han skrev för mycket om civila offer". De jävlarna håller koll och försöker tysta alla som säger något emot dem!! men det finns tusentals bloggare och youtubare som trotsar deras propagandamaskin!
Israeli war crimes. Nobody likes thieves
Nobody likes thieves. It is about time people started calling a spade a spade. True, Jews were incinerated in ovens in Nazi Germany (so they say six million of them, or however many) in 12 years. 26 million Soviet citizens died in 4 years. True, Hamas fired rockets at Jewish settlements set up on the former homes of Palestinians, taken away from them by Israelis. True, Israeli civilians were killed in the process. But how many innocent civilians has Israel massacred?
Nobody likes thieves. It is about time people started calling a spade a spade. True, Jews were incinerated in ovens in Nazi Germany (so they say six million of them, or however many) in 12 years. 26 million Soviet citizens died in 4 years. True, Hamas fired rockets at Jewish settlements set up on the former homes of Palestinians, taken away from them by Israelis. True, Israeli civilians were killed in the process. But how many innocent civilians has Israel massacred? And then it claims it is the eternal victim?
Nobody likes thieves. And why is it that every time one places an article which places in question the policy of Tel Aviv, that an army of cyber hackers appears, sending viruses to forums and news sites which “dare” to claim that Israel is not in the right? Is this freedom of speech? Is this freedom of expression?
Nobody likes thieves. It is about time there was an open and free and fair debate about the entire Middle East question and let us use Pravda (“truth” in Russian) to launch this debate, once and for all.
For a start, nobody is being anti-Semitic in bringing into question the policies defended by Tel Aviv, the more so because the word “Semitic” refers to the languages spoken in the Middle East region, including Arabic, and therefore any such accusation is as ludicrous as it is inaccurate, so let this be the end to the “anti-Semitic” accusation once and for all.
Nobody likes thieves. It is about time Israel ’s sheer hypocrisy and idiotic stupidity were outed, once and for all. How can this country claim any right and reason is on its side when it is flouting international law with every second that passes? The United Nations Organization set out a very clear definition as to what Israel is and the territory that Israel occupies today has nothing whatsoever to do with the area constituted by international law, therefore Israel is in violation of international law while it occupies territories that do not belong to it. Israel is a thief. Nobody likes thieves.
No occupation, no problem
No occupation, no problem. Why is it that Israel does not understand the simple precept that it has no right whatsoever to occupy lands which do not belong to it? Giving up the Gaza strip does not equate the building of colonies on the West Bank .
Nobody likes thieves. Until Israel moves back to the territories designated as “Israel” when the country was set up, carved out of Palestinian lands by an international community shocked by Nazi humanitarian crimes against this ethnic group, among many others (who mentions the Negro holocaust – slavery – for instance, in which tens of millions of Negroes were slaughtered?) how can it expect to claim the moral high ground? No occupation, no problem.
And regarding “atrocities”, so long as Israeli forces slaughter 250 children in two weeks, any claims that Israeli civilians are victims to Hamas rockets must surely fall on deaf ears. And what are the Palestinians supposed to do? Sit back, watch their lands be taken over, place their hands on their hearts and sing “Hallelujah”? No occupation, no problem. Nobody likes thieves.
War crimes
The UN High Commissioner on Human Rights declared on Friday that war crimes may have been committed by Israeli soldiers in Gaza . War crimes were already committed in Palestinian territories and in the Lebanon by Israeli forces, without the international community raising an eyelid. Yet these days, practically everyone outside Israel agrees that enough is enough. The sad thing is that Israel ’s policies give rise to those who claim that Hitler was right and to who question why the Jews have been thrown out of everywhere, practically, during the last five thousand years of history.
Of course war crimes were committed by Israelis in Gaza . Bombing a UN school for a start is called what? Self-defence? And 250 children in ten days? Is this what Tel Aviv calls an Act of God? Or Yahweh?
The way forward
Israel exists, period. But Israel means the original boundaries drawn up by the UNO. Until Israel respects the norms of international law, it cannot claim full rights as a member of the international community. Firstly, Israel must leave the lands it occupies illegally. Nobody likes thieves. No occupation, no problem.
Secondly, the international community has to decide upon the status of Jerusalem. It does not belong to Jews, or Arabs. It belongs to everyone. Therefore why not constitute an international city there, set up the UNHQ in Jerusalem and make it an international forum for debate?
As we see, the solution is perfectly simple. Until then, there will be problems. Nobody likes thieves. No occupation, no problem.
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